


God is love
He's the author of love
He's the life around which true love
Always readily revolves

When I look around me
The things that I see
Takes me to my knees
Jesus, come set us free

I see the raging sea
Tides of iniquity
Showing no mercy
Drowning love without a plea

Death flexes it's muscle
Seeking love to entangle
Strangled to an angle
Love keeps the struggle

How do we solve this puzzle
Of deadly huzzle
As life's evil nuzzle
Makes the world bustle

I've seen many cases
Of how love freezes
Divorces in marriages
At different phases

I've been to many places
And seen how lust wages
A war at different stages
Throughout life's pages

Love's death makes life a cage
The home starts housing rage
Which graduates from stage to stage
To manifest with age

The creator of humans
Had a plan for man and woman
Not divorce but a union into one
Let's arise and stick to God's plan

When the great Jehovah
Made Eve to be Adam's lover
'Twas a union to last forever
Love not to be put asunder

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