


I once met a man on a neat tile
He had problems in a pile
His condition was so vile
Like a meat spoilt by bile
Like a kid drowned in the Nile
I felt His bitterness like guile
While I relieved His burden with a smile
I forgot to go the extra mile
Now, a doomed soul's left in my memory file

I had no personal ability
To help His infirmity
So I used Christ's authority
To cure His insanity
Still, I had in mind a pressing activity
All in the name of maintaining spiritual dignity
And in my stupidity
I left and lost the opportunity
To save a lost soul for all eternity

I feared my weakness
And sought my breastplate of righteousness
Suddenly, I saw God's faithfulness
Turn me into a spiritual nurse
He took away my blindness
And presented me a new awareness
And in this newness
He made me fearless
And I became selfless

Just at that moment
I yet had a similar assignment
That awaited fulfillment
Which I treated with resentment
I knew I was Godsent
To counter her spiritual ailment
And change her filthy rainment
With a God-given garment
But still, she lingered in satan's entanglement

Then God told me to do it His way
Just to remain in His light ray
And simply do all He'd say
To get strength not to sway
He taught me to watch and pray
And do His will from day to day
And now, all is okay
'Coz He's taken my fears away
Without asking me to pay

I thought I was on my own
Till I understood I wasn't alone
When I saw God's light was shown
To lead me through places never known
Towards God's heavenly throne
Now that I'm spiritually grown
I'll fight to the bone
To obey His tone
And remain in His zone

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