


Your decision
About your divine vision
Determines the execution
Of your glorious mission

The way you portray your image
On life's stage
Determines if satan's rage
Can place you in a cage

The numbers of streams you ford
Depends on your usage of God's word
'Coz you need the Spirit's sword
To break an evil cord

God's word feeds your spirit
With enough wit
To make dark paths lit
With the light of the Spirit

Don't worry
God'll change your ill story
To that of glory
Till you become a success story

God hearing your voice
Doesn't depend on your noise
But your choice
In also obeying His voice

I declare as God's ''town crier''
That no barrier
Can stop the career
Of the Holy ghost-carrier

It's not for man to boast
When the Lord of host
Sends His Holy ghost
To deliver us from satan's coast

Though the devil's truly
A big bully
With a schemes that are ruly
Yet all you need to do is to base in God fully

In this race
Don't let what you face
At any phase
Stop you from entering God's palace

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