

GOD’S LOVE IS CLEAR AND PLAIN – gospel poems at kleezypen.com

I was a victim as a sinner but now victor as winner
Because the Lord Jesus Christ took me to dinner
Making His love finer to make my path cleaner

love tree 
GOD’S LOVE IS CLEAR AND PLAIN – gospel poems at kleezypen.com

It is Jesus that you tease whenever you sin in ease
Don’t let the devil’s breeze let evil make you freeze
God’s grace has appeared to make your sins cease

Tell me devil is a killer and I’ll tell you God is pillar
He is the blessing dealer; without drugs still the healer
The tiller of hearts; He’s just the best thriller

Sin acts in a hurry to cut short God’s glory
Attracting death in fury; accident of a lorry
Reaching God with just sorry is enough to change the story

Make Jesus your pace setter to make your life greater
Accept salvation’s letter to break Satan’s fetter
Maybe life was bitter; I assure you ‘twill get better

The time of Abel rings a bell, vengeance was all his blood could sell
Cain had no cell but was trapped in death's cell
So the living well comes in for our living well
God’s love is clear and plain, showers blessings like rain
His presence subdues mountains and takes away pain
His power breaks all chains, only He could restore Cain.

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