

IN THE CIRCUMFERENCE OF HIS PRESENCE – I carry the Holy Ghost; spoken word; samkleezy

My first goal as I commence is to stress the awareness that the Lord is presently present to present presents to those presently within the circumference of his presence because the essence of his presence is the emergence of a glory with a difference whose awesomeness produces a conscience void of offence which serves as our fence of defense against the fierceness of Satan’s pretense

The totality of our identity’s reality as entities of humanity through the authenticity of our connectivity to the trinity’s divinity lies in the practicality of our heart’s sincerity of the humility of Christ’s personality in entirety.

Our divine connection to the God of creation has placed us in a position of ministration for the implementation of reconciliation through the demonstration of God’s impartation which breaks the condition of limitation that’s upon the nations of humanity, bringing a portion of solution to the situation of confusion in this generation through the power of regeneration.

If you want success, you’ve got access to the key of progress not just through what you confess but what you profess since we have total freedom to harness wisdom from the kingdom of the author of wisdom. That’s why it is impossible for a barrier to stop the career of the Holy Ghost carrier.

Finally, in case you couldn’t get a testimony out of the test, then try getting a message from the mess because while it’s not utterly wrong to be wrong, it’s totally wrong to remain wrong.

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