

TIME - It’s wise to be on time until your vision and destination rhyme; part one (01)

An unnoticed opponent is time;
Not knowing is not be a crime
But knowing right now won’t cost you a dime;
It’s wise to be on time until your vision and destination rhyme

No opportunity to undo mistakes of the past ‘cos past time is gone,
There’s opportunity to correct mistakes ‘cos present time is still on;
If the present that was determined by your past time is a mistake,
Then make the future that is to be determined by your present time be a correction

Do it now
Without thinking how,
Utilizing every single power
That lies in each passing hour

Your desire is unprocessed flour,
Your vision is a growing flower,
Right decisions shoot it higher,
Passionate mission roots it deeper

Whether man or woman,
We all are humans
Facing this opponent that we’re bigger than;
Just that we can’t win without a plan.

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