

THE BREVITY OF LIFE - time is long but life is short; one life; a little gleam of time between two eternities

If you were to know the day of your death, you would be 'wise' unto quick and thrifty dying minutes preparations; but oh no! The date is hid from your eyes. So that your destiny does not depend on a sudden crafty grab; but on a well-considered purposeful choice.

The largest room in the world is the room for improvement; Don't just exist but live. Leave out the talk and live out the work. You can't climb the ladder of success with your hands in your pocket
''I will go anywhere provided it is forward'' - David Livingstone
''I know there is a reward for pressing forward. I reckon with these four words, ''I've Gone Past Backwards'' - samkleezy
''To reach the port, we must sail, sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it, but we must sail and not drift or lie at anchor'' - Oliver Wendell Holmes
''One life; - a little gleam of time between two eternities'' - Thomas Carlyle
The brevity of life should make us quicken our duty. We should be concerned with redeeming time and improving opportunities. When as a child, I laughed and wept - Time crept. When as a youth, I dreamt and talked - Time walked. When I became a full-grown man - Time ran. Then as with the years, I older grew - Time flew. Soon, I shall find as I travel on - Time gone. Ensure you make progress as time progresses
''Oh God, give us serenity to accept what cannot be changed, the courage to change what could be changed, and wisdom to distinguish one from the other'' - Reinhold Niebuhr
We must so number our days as to compare our work with them, and mind it accordingly with a double diligence, as those that have no time to trifle.

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