

THE JOY OF THE LORD - a very real force; Neh 8: 10

They say it's not by force but a powerful force;
More than warm feelings; far from ill feelings,
Joy is strength; it strengthens your faith,
Strenghth is joy; the joy of glorious fate

Tap it from the Spirit; powerful force meant for us,
You can tap it from the word to work with strength in this world;
Devil can't stand Joy, though seemed to close the doors of Job;
When God wants to make you strong; uses Joy to do the job
What happens next may put an end to the happiness of now;
Present when things go well and absent when in the well,
But Joy's not fleeting emotions; it's a state of mind;
Circumstance discourages but you don't really mind
Joy is very crucial and not superficial,
No matter the circumstance, you need joy every instance,
Confess and live by joy to enjoy all its power,
It activates living by faith effortlessly every hour
Joy is a fruit; yes! Fruit of the spirit,
Resides in you but you must develop it,
Joy makes you strong in the Lord and in the power of his might,
Joy in the Holy Ghost; strength to win every fight.

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