


The uniqueness of Christ in every way makes him the A to Z of all divine attributes. He is the:
A - Alpha and Omega, Ambassador of the Almighty
B - Bridegroom and lover of our souls, Baptizer who pours his Spirit upon all flesh, Backbone of the brave
C - Captain of our salvation, Close Companion in the fiery furnace of affliction, Captain of the conquerors, Consuming fire, Compassionate Evangelist, Chief corner stone
D - Deliverer from all the oppressors and oppressions, Defender of the defenceless, Desire of all nations
E - Eternal and Everlasting father, Emmanuel (God with us) - Ever-present Lord
F - Friend of sinners, Foundation and Fountain of the church, Faithful reformer, Forerunner in the fight of faith
G - Guide of our souls, Guarantee of the better covenant, Great physician
H - Healer of all diseases, Highly exalted one
I - Image of the invisible God, Intercessor in heaven
J - Judge of the living and the dead, Justifier of the ungodly
K - King of all kings and their kingdoms
L - Lord our righteousness, Living redeemer, Lamb of God, Leader of the legislators
M - Master of the storm, Merciful lover willing to receive and restore the backsliders
N - Name above all names, Near kinsman
O - Only mediator between God and man, Overseer of the overcomers
P - Passover lamb sacrificed for us, Prince of peace
Q - Quickener of the dead
R - Resurrection and the life, Ruler of the regents, Reigning king whose dominion covers the whole universe, Rebuilder of the broken walls, Rock of our salvation
S - Shepherd of the sheep, Strength of the Jehovah God, Supreme Saviour, Sanctifier
T - Timeless Truth above all teachers, the Truth that transforms lives, the Typified image of the brazen serpent lifted up on the pole for our salvation and for our healing.
U - Unique Son of God, Umpire of the Universe
V - Victorious conqueror over Satan and all powers of darkness, Vigour of the victors
W - Wisdom of God, Watchman over the sheepfold
X - X-ray diagnosis of our lives
Y - Yoke-bearer, Yea and Amen for eternal years
Z - Zealous reformer and preacher
Jesus is to be celebrated now and through all eternity. All things were made by Him and for Him. We must acknowledge the mystery of God the father and of Christ "in whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge." He is the sweetest note on the Seraph's song, the sweetest carol ever sung. Jesus, Jesus, celebrate Him always.

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