

MOTHERHOOD - parent and child

Oh mothers! You are the source of life to us; the fountain from where we rolled in to be quickened into a living soul. The whole world calls you the precious gold of an inestimable value, and indeed you are [Prov 31: 10]



Oh mothers! You feed us with your natural milk that made us live above all forms of sicknesses and diseases. You wrapped us up when cold, fed us when hungry and kept us clean, dry and warm at all times.


Oh mothers! You alone understand us better than any other being. You know what we need whenever we cry. ''O my baby'' yells your bowels. You wake up earlier than anybody to take care of us [Prov 31: 15]


Oh mothers! You make us feel responsible as you listen to our new ideas. You care to know about our inner feelings. You mind to share in our personal struggles


A real mother is known by the rare but selfless virtues which she manifests. She is a nurse, a teacher, an instructor, an architect, a couselor, a guide or trainer and a home manager. She is indeed the sunshine of the home, lightening all within her domain. She stands out as the life-line of the family, full of strength and courage to fight every battle. She is full of compassion, love and mercy; selfless in her service.


Truly, a mother plays a very active role in the life of every member of the family. Her influence has a far-reaching effect; she is a determining factor for the joy, peace, happiness and progress of the entire family. The impact she wields on the children is very great; whether it is positively or negatively. It is not out of place to say then, that the woman is the person behind the ''steering wheel'' of the husband and children at home. She tactically directs and controls the entire atmosphere of the home. The husband for sure remains the head but the wife's the neck that turns the head.


''The mother's love is like God's love; He loves us not because we are lovable, but because it is his nature to love, and because we are his children'' - Earl Riney


You don't want to be that callous woman who aborts that unwanted pregnancy or throws away that little baby into the pit or maltreats the child as a carry-over of your husband's offence to you. You don't want to just gallivant about places while that little infant is pushed into the boarding house with no personal attention given to him. Don't be too concerned about your shape as to say, ''No breast-feeding of any child, I must keep my figure!''.


That child you threw away could have been the best thing that happened to you in life. Why not become a little more patient with that teenage child of yours, praying and believing God for the best? Why not change your lethargic and hard stance towards your children? There is something you can do to make that child live and live well; only a mother's heart can discover that thing and fulfil it.

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