


Some hungry dogs have Lee, and might just ITALY
Lee was about to be eaten; just 10 more minutes TOGO
Ada is Lee's girlfriend; the question is CANADA save Lee?
She was looking for her Lee and shouting, "where is MALI?"
Dog attacking a man's hand
The West side of the park was full; made me  PAKISTAN of it
The scene sight made my nose run with lots of QATAR phlegm
Dan was the owner of the dogs; Ada's lawyers had to SUDAN
With three-quarters of Lee already eaten; all that was left was QATAR
See the BRUISE on LEE's soul like a hit from BRUCE LEE
I wish a JET came for LEE to rescue him like JETLI
LEE's ego was BENT, all I could see was a BENT LEE
Him not able to move differentiated him from my BENTLEY 

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