

PARENT AND CHILD - get inspired by inspirational poems at kleezypen.com

It's a fact That you need to interact,
And infact Make your contact intact
You need to restrict The wrong he'll depict
With a tatict Of being strict

Mother carrying baby
PARENT AND CHILD - get inspired by inspirational poems at kleezypen.com

Get him appreciated Through things you initiated;
Some values should be negotiated Rather than just dictated
What he needs is a word And not a sword;
Even in not sparing the rod Keep in mind that you ain't God

Be the parent That keeps him content;
Be the president That keeps him confident
The good seed you sow, Agape love you show,
Is for his tomorrow; That's the best he should know

Even in your crave To make him behave,
He ain't a slave To be trapped in a cave
Owning him's a privilege; Disowning him's breaking an edge,
So make yourself the pledge To make the bond a life merge

Take heed To be a parent indeed
Even in your very deed, Since you've made him your kid.

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