

GIRL OF MY DREAMS - Emotions and Feelings

Pushed to the rim of my dream, I don’t need to be richer to reach her
I’m sure endowed not to surrender;
Choosing not to keep quiet but singing melodies from love’s choir yet.

Must be an Angel chaser to chase her,
Not to push her like the truck pusher but pull her like a magnetic puller;
Emotion in a motion in this course that some think odd to openly discuss;
Getting closer to get in, and closer to enclose her and brace her with Agape’s embrace.
Julius Ceaser never forced me to cease her;
My desire just got this higher to sure press on beyond suppressing press ups,
This feeling to achieve her keeps me feeling like an achiever.
I don’t need to be generous with a bank teller for me to tell her
Of my need to access her love bank without being access bank;
All I need is the love greater than the grater that can grate her
Into the best compared to the rest;
Not ignoring this side to decide to follow her even when she’s the follower;
Offering her a genuine rest better than the best,
Which makes comfort come forth to hold love’s forte.
As the fighter not meant to fight her,
I don’t need to be a life saver to save her from the consumer trying to consume her
It isn’t a dream off dreams to dream of dreams in a dream land owned by the Girl of my dreams
A human honey sweeter than the bee honey worth a proposal on kneels

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