

ALL HAVE SINNED (ROMANS 3: 23) – Weighty verses of scriptures; The Exile of Adam and Eve; grace series at kleezypen.com

God’s intention was the creation of beauty;
Beauty without the limits of the words B-U-T,
Till beauty kissed the beast forgetting this isn’t Disney;
This Eve was deceived to affect this praying knee;
An act that empowered the devil’s preying kneel;
The woman did woo man with a pull of an apple

ALL HAVE SINNED (ROMANS  3: 23) – Weighty verses of scriptures; The Exile of Adam and Eve; grace series at kleezypen.com

A tension sick in seeking a lot of attention,
Sin is seen in the scene of the beauty story;
Death on the earth; war against glory
Conflict in the soul; pain to inflict,
Deception of diversion from God’s own way;
A selfish wisdom; the world sown way

How did she earn a meal from the enemy?
A voice from the liar for choice against truth;
Doubting God’s trustworthiness to align with worldliness,
Holiness transformed into whole illness;
Adam and Eve decide to be on this side
Where they choose to be a law unto themselves

This obedience replaced with disobedience;
Separated to make God a separate head;
Drifting apart from God’s given word
To conform to the lies of an untruthful world;
Introduced into sin by the father of all liars,
Devastating consequences of a fractured harmony

Now man must pay in to relieve this pain
As God’s unhidden presence now seems hidden in Eden,
Now sin becomes plausible; possibly in vogue;
Living in a world with no experience of God’s presence;
Without gratitude; a self-conceived way;
Eden becomes hidden; rebellion caused the exile

Heaven and Earth; God’s realm and our realm
Should have been this united just like Father and son,
But here is loneliness from a resulting shame;
Sin’s a lone illness; life is per head,
The wages of sin to be paid at the cost of a pal’s head;
Grace afore given to accept we are forgiven

Man meets the cross road yet the code’s not decoded,
Christ walks the road with the cross on his back;
He has always got our back; as trees, he’s our bark;
The curse of creation is forever overthrown;
No more games of thrones; no more fight over a throne;
We were dead offsprings but now spring off to the life source

Born by the first Adam; born again by the second;
The free air time I breathe in is God's love per seconds
I'm dead to sin; no more death in my scene;
Old things are passed away just like passing time,
I'm a new creature enveloped; sealed by the Spirit;
Stamped by grace to go and sin no more.

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