

OGECHI - Isibor Naomi; Happy birthday Celebration - kleezypen.com

She's shapely rocking and I'm sharply talking,
Graced with God's beauty and the wisdom for duty,
God's glory upon her has never been a tale;
A true life's story; made the head; never tail

OGECHI - Isibor Naomi
OGECHI - Isibor Naomi; Happy birthday Celebration - kleezypen.com

Not O.P. in H.O.P.; talking See You Na First,
ISIBOR is easy buh the NAOMI that got root,
The Oh Gee to chill with, yeah, talking OGECHI;
Got swags but never brags; she's socially special

Unto NAOMI's true root, "now hold me" is the call
From the admirers called Boaz 'cos her route is core;
No Boaz forming boss when trying to reach sisi - bae,
I see balls reaching goals on the pitch of ISIBOR

Super Model with so much fun, yet, so highly spiritual,
I wish a wish for you; that your wishes come through;
Critics can't stop your shine as your breakthrough goes true,
To all your quest on, the answer is open doors.

*OP : Out of Point
*HOP: Hospital, Orphanage and Prison unit (under CUNIFES)
*CU-NIFES: Christian Union Nigerian Fellowship of Evangelical Students

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