

THE BELIEVER'S CREED - Forget your MIStake and focus on HIS take

It's not how far
But it's how well;
You cannot tell
When you'd be the star
It's not how fast
But it's how high;
The best you try
Will make you laugh last
The wrong you make
Can't make you bad
If God your dad
Corrects your Mistake
You're still not first;
It's just for now,
Your God knows how
He'll make you the best
The road seems tough
But when you're strong
It won't be long
Till you're proven tough
Even when wrong
Never get sad;
You're God's own lad
And will sing His song
The vision's plain
To place God first
So do your best
And it won't be vain

Just trust in God
And build your faith;
You've got good fate
As said by God's word
Forget your MIStake;
Though tagged great fool,
You'd end up grateful
If you focus on HIS take
The world acts as blindfold
To make you see the scars of a clown
Rather than stars in your crown;
The word reminds you you're in HIS fold
Don't ever stop walking;
A proposal to great faith
Gets you married to good fate
'Cos our God is ever working
God is not a man that he should lie,
So just stand on his word;
We walk by faith in this world
With the Spirit of truth as ally
In times of sunshine and rain
His grace will keep you through;
His word is ever true
The son was slain to make you reign.

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