

poetry; JOY - Through the tissues of the Word that surpasses the world

The impression of depression refrains the joy expression
Joy is a reflection of God’s Spirit in action
And joy makes me enjoy the keys of unlocked ellipsed kiss
After Christ’s move meant to stop satan’s movement
Joy is an expectation when God got your attention
Despite the situation, joy got no duration
My core’s real as I carry heartbeats at a rate
Which affects love’s habitat right from life’s start
Though the spite of confusion, inspite of rejection
Joy remains a function of spiritual impartation
Unreasonable things on reason’s table; a damned Adam that teamed with Eve
Who died through the eyed apple to trigger this dis I pull
A pull to pose a session in the realm of lost possessions
Like the sire-pull to stagnation in a sin stalked nation
Till Christ made me his disciple and cancelled this dis I pull
By laying down his life to make me have eternal life
Season of celebration seasoned by jubilation
Joy is the attraction from the vine’s affection
Christ had to come and command the issue and settle matters
Through the tissues of the Word that surpasses the world
Divine perfection; refined perception
It’s all about connection; the divine reception
Superiority mentality for a robust spirit
Can’t be dragged back by arrears; Christ has broken the barriers

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