

THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE - wisdom; john 14:6; spoken word performed to freshers by samkleezy

Wisdom is the principal thing; in all your getting, get understanding.

The winsome wisdom from an awesome kingdom brings us wholesome freedom. He is all you need; he is Jesus.

Wonderful and beautiful freshers, you're welcome to the great UNIBEN which some call the incredible den. But then, didn't God deliver Daniel from the lion's den? UNIBEN is a stage; the way you act on it determines if Satan's rage will cage you or not. I will encourage you with my story.

When sadist tried to make me the least, Jesus helped me resist even when they persist. When they tried to push me into the gutter 'nko'? I still utter testimonies. In the well, all is well. Their grave attacks never landed me in the grave. In the pit, I am more fit than kampe. In the hole, I remain whole. In the dark, I bear God's mark. In the sea, I only see grace. In the oven 'nko'? There's always a baked solution. Instead of a shock, I stand on the solid rock of all rocks called the Rock of Ages, to rock my body.

Like Joseph, when in prison, there's a reason. Like Daniel, when I see lions, I'm a champion. Like Jabez, I was born a zero to become a hero. Like Jacob, my ugly scars have turned shining stars. Like Paul I was the sinner that has now turned a winner. Like David, I was anointed as king to always sing. Like Jesus I am God's son brighter than the shining sun.

I know the way many road makers don't know, the truth many lawyers don't know, the life many doctors can't give; he's Jesus. Why not heed to wisdom and surrender your ambition without hesitation to Jesus, the God of your admission and matriculation and be sure that He will take charge of all your examination and education to grant you graduation with convocation and give you a celebration of jubilation that will make others say congratulations to you without confusion.

In conclusion, pay attention; the door to the Father's store is Jesus. Your vision precedes your mission. Your decision gives it direction. In all, Jesus is the foundation of your destination. A destiny without a foundation is a wasted life. Jesus is the wisdom and all you need.

*'fresher': new university intake
*UNIBEN: University of Benin

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