Someone has said that if you convince a man there was no hope, he would curse the day he was born. That is what the negative circumstances of life try to do; they try to convince you that there is no more hope. Hope is an indispensable quality of life; never ever lose your hope.
Maybe you feel worried all the time. You don’t think anyone likes you. You feel you don’t deserve anything. You feel no one understands you. You don’t even sleep well at night anymore and you’re really struggling to concentrate in school. You don’t just like anything about yourself anymore. You feel useless. You feel like a fake and that you can’t just be you. You feel judged. You just want the whole world to leave you alone. You hate the shape of your body and you are so ashamed of it. You’ve even started hurting yourself. Maybe you’ve suffered multiple heartbreaks and betrayals, open shame and emotional blackmails. Now, you feel everything is over and there’s no going back. You feel like a flat tire; and like this car can’t just move on.
Are you overburdened with care? Does the weight of your problem sink you down beyond what you imagine and you feel that God is far away in heaven? Maybe insecurity and anxiety over the future has already overwhelmed you; or you suffer with guilt because you don’t feel you’re a very successful Christian. It may even be that you are struggling with envy when you compare your circumstance with your friends’ seemingly carefree lives. Perhaps you often feel that your prayers are unanswered. You are having extra years in school? Maybe you’ve been quite unlucky with your relationships? You feel your dreams are shattering before you?
Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness. [What you don’t know is beautiful; anything is possible - Innocent Kenneth ]. [There are no victories without conflicts, no rainbow without a cloud and a storm – Aristotle]. Often times, the greatest battle ground is the mind. With your mind you can win battles even before you fight them. [In all things, it is better to believe than to despair – Johann Von Goethe]. [When hope is alive, the night is less dark; the solitude less deep, fear less acute – H. C. Mears] “Winners never quit”, is a saying that cuts across different spheres. “It is not over till it’s over”. Stressing the importance of not losing hope can never be overemphasized. [Eventually, all things fall into place. Until then, laugh at the confusion, live for the moments and know everything happens for a reason – Albert Schweitzer]
You see, hope is all about having total trust in God. It is to our soul what the anchor is to a ship. The calamities of life often cause us to abandon our anchor of hope in a seemingly terrible situation. Hope is a positive energy every fighter needs. As with positive energies that cause positive drive and effect positive changes, a good starting point is with the man in the mirror. Even God has made you a god on earth (Psalm 82:6; John 10:34, 35); and you need to believe in that god. God wants you to believe in that god. God wants you to believe in yourself. Believing in yourself shouldn’t be misconstrued with boasting in yourself. Only a fool calls confidence pride. Believe in yourself. What do you see when you look into a mirror? It’s obviously your image. The way you see yourself in that image is the way God sees himself in you. [Gen 1:27].
THE CONFIDENCE OF FAITH – act of believing in yourself; win the battle before you fight (2)