



Since I SET my eyes on you, I always knew you were an ASSET

You no be BANK LOAN but certainly you got my INTEREST

Just like WI-FI, hope you feeling this CONNECTION

On a scale of ONE to TEN, you're a NINE - I'm the ONE you need



You're a beauty with brains; you REFLECT God's INTELECT

Your WORDS bring love to my WORLD; CORRECT God's DIALECT

You're more than beautiful; to be DIRECT, you're PERFECT

My heart in love's school , don SELECT you as him PREFECT


You're my passion and excitement; THE ELIGHTMEANT for my DELIGHTMENT

I like your side view and back view but my best is I-LOVE-VIEW

Set on fire by your TOUCH and I feel safe in this TORCH

Happiness looks gorgeous on you; would go extra miles so you won't lose it

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