

HUNGER FOR SEX - the 'other' room (13) - kleezypen.com

Susan flashes back to the visit she payed to her friend, Lilian, who is also a love doctor, two days ago.The first thing Lilian told Susan was to write a list of her husbands actions and inactions which was making her marriage uncomfortable. Oh my God! It was an endless list.
lady's hand reaching out for guy's hand
HUNGER FOR SEX - the 'other' room (13) - kleezypen.com
She remembered Lilian's words vividly, ''There's a notion people have about the other room; a place where the woman got power. If you let circumstance happen to you, you may just succeed in turning your bedroom into a place of formalities rather than your power room''. Susan responded with keen eyes ''So how do I turn it into my power room or the other room as you called it'' ''If I may ask, what do you two do in your bedroom when alone'' ''Ehm...we sleep'' Tonia smiles ,''and...'' Susan giggles in reply,''we sometimes have sex'' ''Just like that?'' ''Oh! How do you expect it to be?'' ''I guess your sex life must be very boring if I ain't mistaken'' ''Oh! You can say that again Tonia - sex with Dave is so boring'' ''Catch ya,'' Tonia cuts in, ''Maybe, the problem's not necessarily that Dave's asking for too much. The problem might just be that you don't enjoy having sex with Dave anymore. I guess you still like sex as much as he does but don't know it yet''
''Have you ever fantasized teasing Dave as you strip and dance in exotic ways; when you put on a lingerie just to remove it; when you "twerk" and do belly dance just for Dave?'', Tonia asked. ''I've fantasized something similar but not exactly as you put it'' ''And have you acted on it'' ''Nope'' ''Why'' ''Because that's something for either the night or strip club'', Susan replied. Tonia laughed hysterically, '' You mean the same way sex sounds like an idea for the hotel perhaps with a prostitute? You need to understand that this time, you aren't teasing or stripping in the club for strangers to see but in the bedroom for your partner’s eyes only.'' Susan sighs, ''Hmmm...'' ''Well,'' Tonia continues, ''That's what you do in the OTHER room; you entertain your spouse. The other room is a playground where you lazy about in bed, make jokes, laugh, have a pillow fight, tickle each other and reveal your playful side no matter your age. It's a place where great sex occurs; where the couple lets loose and unleash their wildest sexual desires and passion; where they make sweet long-lasting love, hard core sex or quickies; whether they want to tie each other, explore positions, bend, squat or lie down; kissing over and over.''
Susan after sipping out of her cup of juice asks, ''So how does this practically solve my problems'' ''Well, it's quite a list you got there and 'twill be difficult to resolve all that if you don't give your husband what he wants; and I guess you already know what that is'' Susan shows a face of disgust, ''Huh, That one, all he wants is sex'' ''Then give him what he wants''“I can’t do it if I don’t feel connected.” ''But it can’t always be one directional. If Dave bonds sexually; needs sex to feel relaxed and talkative, why not initiate toward your mutual goal of being connected. Some men are selfish and only want sex. But the majority want an emotional connection with their partner. They want to please her and to feel desired. In your relationship, it’s useful to remember that.''

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