

JUNGLE JUSTICE - Jungle justice is just making death the lion of the jungle; part one (01)


They sought the life in justice yet death is their injustice,
The law seems impotent so they tag death important,
What a harsh tag! The living's face booked for death,
Instant grams of punches lined up for the news

Mob Justice
JUNGLE JUSTICE - Jungle justice is just making death the lion of the jungle; part one (01)

So what's their goal by trapping the injured in nets,
Officials of death that blow the penalty whistle,
Throwing in free-kicks on the pitch of the jungle,
Red card without warning like life's just a game,

Inhumane Hand-cuffs in human hands,
They got balls to play God; mobs that mop out lives
They dribble to a corner just to settle their scores
Not law keepers themselves; just defenders of death

The kid sought just ease; devourers sought justice
The Judge of the jungle accusing this George
The quest is on, yet none asked the questions
Blood thirsty freelancers; dance of death's a free answer

The Earth promised hope till death's rope came from the jungle
The killer got no time for kidding since the kid isn't his
Murder not by his father to deepen mother's pains further,
Jungle justice is just making death the lion of the jungle.


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