

FUN OF THE 'ACE' - God's Masterpiece of Art

God's masterpiece of Art; I love the miss in you
You be my melody; that is why me sing you
No A to Z without you except I'm missing u

Stirred by your stare, your steer turns me on
You are hot my superstar; I'm your cool number one fan
I will never buy the byes; don't slide by without a hi
Sugar lips whisper love into my lips till I'm high

My buddy, you're the focus; your body's the full course
Not par time nor halftime, but full-time; love's the full cause
Hypnotized by hips and thighs; killer curves stare me in the face
The best of them is your lips when it curves into a smile

Now that I'm dying for you, only you be my lifeline
Our love no be joke; only you be my laugh-line
Speak you like words to the world; only you be my punchline
And when it comes to fun-calls, only you be my hotline

You're the fun of the 'Ace'; need no furnace to be hot
Hot enough for my hotspot, so I'll make you my 'Wifey'
You are not Beyonce but got melody of Feyoncee
Melody as my lady wanting more me like my mummy

Much Ado about nothing; you say 'I do', that is something
Means the worthy yes for worthy years of many cheers in love
I called you Iron lady; Chemistry told me I was wrong
If (Fe) represents iron; (Fe + Male) is Iron man

I asked for a boo; Ebube gave me you, my bae
Make me your head and be the neck, that stirs me at will
Make me your king and be the crown; be my Queen Let's co-win
For health I seek, be my drugs; When I'm kinging, be my quinine

When others call 'Mr.', only you call me star
If I be mini-star, only you be congregation
Chasing you was my dream; now, I don run past all
Surety, you make me taller; my high-heels on life's pulpit

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